











Deal Overview

Helping sales managers inspect deals with ease

Outreach’s Deal Overview page streamlines deal inspection for sales managers by answering critical questions about their teams’ active deals, many of which previously went unanswered or were difficult to uncover.


Lead designer


3 weeks, Dec. 2022


Sarah Okey

Product Manager

Dina Vaccari

Director of Product

Kevin Kerr

Engineering Lead


Sales managers are under a lot of pressure. Not only are they responsible for coaching and training an entire team to navigate complex sales processes, they're also expected to walk in front of sales leaders each week and predict whether their team will hit their quarterly goal. It's a high-stakes role.

In order to step into these forecast calls with confidence, managers need to understand every deal in their team’s pipeline comprehensively — yet they’re challenged to gather an accurate and holistic view of deal progress. The information they need is often scattered across multiple tools, or they often find themselves chasing their reps down to find the latest update.

Outreach’s existing surface for deal management and inspection wasn’t seeing much adoption. It failed to answer critical questions a manager might have and the information we did present was challenging to parse.

Outreach's existing solution for deal inspection wasn't hitting the mark


  • picked up from a previous designer

  • aggressive deadline due to larger company initiative

  • Worked closely with PM to get caught-up-to-speed on existing learnings and come up with a plan for a 2-week sprint to validate new hypotheses, gain leadership alignment, and gauge dev feasibility

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner


This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

This is a caption for my image

Item 1

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps.

Item 2

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Item 3

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

This is a caption for my image

This is a caption for my image

Deal Overview

Helping sales managers inspect deals with ease

Outreach’s Deal Overview page streamlines deal inspection for sales managers by answering critical questions about their teams’ active deals, many of which previously went unanswered or were difficult to uncover.


Lead designer


3 weeks, Dec. 2022


Sarah Okey

Product Manager

Dina Vaccari

Director of Product

Kevin Kerr

Engineering Lead


Sales managers are under a lot of pressure. Not only are they responsible for coaching and training an entire team to navigate complex sales processes, they're also expected to walk in front of sales leaders each week and predict whether their team will hit their quarterly goal. It's a high-stakes role.

In order to step into these forecast calls with confidence, managers need to understand every deal in their team’s pipeline comprehensively — yet they’re challenged to gather an accurate and holistic view of deal progress. The information they need is often scattered across multiple tools, or they often find themselves chasing their reps down to find the latest update.

Outreach’s existing surface for deal management and inspection wasn’t seeing much adoption. It failed to answer critical questions a manager might have and the information we did present was challenging to parse.

Outreach's existing solution for deal inspection wasn't hitting the mark


  • picked up from a previous designer

  • aggressive deadline due to larger company initiative

  • Worked closely with PM to get caught-up-to-speed on existing learnings and come up with a plan for a 2-week sprint to validate new hypotheses, gain leadership alignment, and gauge dev feasibility

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner


This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

This is a caption for my image

Item 1

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps.

Item 2

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Item 3

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

This is a caption for my image

This is a caption for my image

Deal Overview

Helping sales managers inspect deals with ease

Outreach’s Deal Overview page streamlines deal inspection for sales managers by answering critical questions about their teams’ active deals, many of which previously went unanswered or were difficult to uncover.


Lead designer


3 weeks, Dec. 2022


Sarah Okey

Product Manager

Dina Vaccari

Director of Product

Kevin Kerr

Engineering Lead


Sales managers are under a lot of pressure. Not only are they responsible for coaching and training an entire team to navigate complex sales processes, they're also expected to walk in front of sales leaders each week and predict whether their team will hit their quarterly goal. It's a high-stakes role.

In order to step into these forecast calls with confidence, managers need to understand every deal in their team’s pipeline comprehensively — yet they’re challenged to gather an accurate and holistic view of deal progress. The information they need is often scattered across multiple tools, or they often find themselves chasing their reps down to find the latest update.

Outreach’s existing surface for deal management and inspection wasn’t seeing much adoption. It failed to answer critical questions a manager might have and the information we did present was challenging to parse.

Outreach's existing solution for deal inspection wasn't hitting the mark


  • picked up from a previous designer

  • aggressive deadline due to larger company initiative

  • Worked closely with PM to get caught-up-to-speed on existing learnings and come up with a plan for a 2-week sprint to validate new hypotheses, gain leadership alignment, and gauge dev feasibility

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner

Audit of the design proposed by the previous design owner


This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project was unique and diverged from my typical design approach. Typically, I budget sufficient time to perform exploratory discussions with the target personas, synthesizing their feedback into actionable insights that steer the project.

This project had already been kicked off with another designer who had decided to transition to another team midway, which meant I had to play catch-up.

Not only that, but this project was part of a larger 'Create and Close Platform' initiative that the business wanted to announce and release to alpha at the beginning of Q2, which meant our dev partners needed to get started before the current quarter ended.

For this project, my squad was working under some time-sensitive constraints. our squad was were under a few unique constraints we didn't have that luxury this time around. was stepping in to replace a designer who was midway through the project — and not only that, but the business' timeframe to release an alpha meant that we needed our dev partners to start building

This is a caption for my image

Item 1

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps.

Item 2

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

Item 3

Senior product designer at Outreach with 8 years of experience designing cutting-edge b2b SaaS web apps. This is my visual inspiration, and this is my audio inspiration.

This is a caption for my image

This is a caption for my image